Numinous is being in the presence of the Divine. We are all of us, broken, flawed, wounded and leaking and Divine. Not either or. And.
We are made from Love. In the traditions that I come from, we are the product of a Divine essence. God. The Goddess. All That Is.
We come from Love.
We are love.
Love is the essence and the genesis of life.
Something is living in my cells that knows the truth of this. As my friend and I Ching devotee D'vorah says
"We have a cellular memory of Divine Harmony."
That knowing that that memory of Divine Harmony, to me, God, as part of our being, we are in essence, a spark of light. That we do as Carl Sagan says, come from stars.
“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”
It is the calling of that cellular memory of the Divine that makes me brave and feel connected and encourages me to life. This gives us our call to action and disquieting thoughts about unfairness and injustice and the harm we are causing the planet. All of these things are stirred in us because we are programmed to find our true nature. Programmed to return to Love. To express Love in the way that is unique to us. Whether that is in gardening, loving our children, healing our wounds, creating beauty, helping others changing political systems... whatever... Our Divine nature is calling us. The Numinous wants to be recognised and expressed.
And yet in the world of "if you can't prove it, it is not true" the left brain logical linear thinking world, we are trained to see the evidence of the numinous as erroneous. Not true. Not worth looking at. Invalid.
We are taught to see that those numinous things are only for certain people, either the saintly ones - like Mandela and the Dalai Lama, or the damaged ones, like people with mental illness. We are taught to fear the evidence of that Divinity as something that does not bare touching. The Divine does not, according to western cultural norms, live in the ordinary.
To me, that is erroneous.
The truth is we are all divine. If we could just see the miracle in a blade of grass or as Jack Kornfield says:
"“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.”
My call to myself, and to you if you feel the twinge in your cells, is to feel the tug of the numinous. To follow it. To see that fear of the beauty and the immensity of the truth of your Divine nature when it arises. To find evidence of the presence of Love in this left brain logical world and to hold fast against dismissing Love's presence because it is not measurable or tangible or visible in a way that makes it easy to classify or tag.
But to let that wild numinous Love roam free in your cells.
To recognise it in the flower you find, or the beauty of your iris (I mean have you ever really looked?
It is no accident that the miracles I mention live in nature. Nature is our antidote. Our repository of miracle to nourish us body and soul. It is our not noticing that the rivers are choking, the bees are dying, the wetlands are drying up because our eyes and hearts are numb to the miracles while we so desperately seek the antidotes in shopping malls... this not noticing is what is starving us.
Making us hungry for miracles.
So it is turning away from the fear that we will somehow be judged as less than when we see our Divinity and the Divinity that holds us up.
It is noticing fear when it arises, with ill health or loneliness or vulnerability, It is knowing that the antidote to that fear does not lie in the left brain world. It lies in the falling into the arms of the Numinous. Recognising the Divine in all that surrounds us. Releasing into acknowledgment.
It requires noticing.
It requires courage.
It requires remembering.
Let's remember together.