In a literal as well as a figurative sense.
The shadow was always there. Looming behind me, or blocking my path, sneaking just out of reach, the shadow was something i understood with my intellect but feared with my heart. my first response on seeing it was one of disquiet.
I think, like all great childhood fears, there is something in there, some nourishment for my adult self. In fact I know this to be true.
In a bumbling way i have spent a large part of the last 3 years researching shadow and, after a deep breath, diving into my own. Not always knowing what i was doing. Not always feeling safe or like i had permission or even like i would come out of it unscathed i still decided to jump because standing in fear was a slower death than i could bear. I wasn't brave or equipped, in fact the only thing that drove me on was the knowledge that not doing it would mean i would be trapped in that limbo of fear and wishing for something to be different. The only constant companion was one i did not love.
The looming darkness, that ominous constancy is something i have come to know well.
The recognition of my shadow has become part of my daily life. I have a sense of shadow that is able to hold the element of disquiet still and also encompasses that of "ahhh, my old companion!"
Faithful and full of guidance my shadow is part of what leads me through the world with compassion and grace.
I am in the end stages of building an offering around shadow which is rich and deep.
Because shadow lives at the heart of us, in the limitless depths of our goodness and our failings, we need to come to terms with our own immensity. We humans have little practise at that in a world that wants us to be tidy and presentable and fit nicely.
Coming to terms with our shadow is coming to terms with our own glorious messy magnificence as well as our meagre, sharp, shittiness.
My offering is called Facing the Minotaur and is a guided self study course where i hold up the lantern of all i have learned about the shadow self (and am continuing to learn) and help you find your way too.
Reaching into shadow is a gift to yourself and all who love you.
To welcome that companion self is to welcome your Self Home.
If you would like to learn more please contact me here.