his kind of lonely sorrow is the thing that makes people desperate and angry and creates the kind of violence and crime that our western world seems to be particularly good at squeezing out of the lives of people who live enclosed by poverty and hopelessness.
Look into my eyes, right now, as i am holding you by the shoulders.
Ok, so let me raise your chin,
with my crooked finger.
look at me, at my eyes that have seen some things and cried a lot.
look at me, imperfect, scared, lonely and brave just like you.
I know you are hurting.
I don't know why or how or who or when
but i know you are hurting and you have every right to hurt.
Your family are untrustworthy.
That is the kind of injury that marks a heart forever.
I know that i know that you were worth more than that.
i know that they hurt you with such consequences that you are reeling
i know that it took courage to write your note.
look at me
I am no different.
All of these people walking past us with their busy lives and their trolleys either too full or not full enough,
the people with others, the people on their own
none of them are any different.
Each and every one of us have been hurt.
That is not to deny your pain
oh no.
what you endured is something you deserve to be heard on and held while you heal from.
Nothing should ever diminish what you suffered
And know this too.
You are not the only one.
We all hurt.
Each of us.
Some of us are just not wise enough or smart enough to call out in our pain and ask for help.
You were.
Some of us believe the bullshit that we should put up with it or that we have to make peace with it or worse and worse that we deserve it.
But you,
wise and tender heart
You chose to ask for help and so i want you to feel me looking into your eyes and see the truth,
No one is unworthy of love
We might be injured broken confused suffering, wobbly, needy, angry, lonely, reactive, abrasive, scared shitless and a million other things that we have been taught to try and hide.
But the truth is that it is a miracle you make it here at all.
It is a miracle that you had the courage to write your advertisement.
And i want you to know you are worthy of love and belonging that you can trust and if they can't give it to you then you go and find people who will.
You deserve good things. You deserve to be held in trust.
Now i will let go of your shoulders and with one long look in your eye i will say.
Go and find kindness because it is your birthright.