1. The world is beautiful.
3. Some people see this kind of place as a challenge. The "Go Hard or Go Home" types seem to see this kind of area as a test of their resolve and they grind through it as fast as they can. Personally i like the "go slow and expose yourself to awe" approach. I don't want to ever go through this kind of miraculous place with speed or endurance in mind. There is too much to lose in haste.
4.Given the previous vocation of my legs, I knew the only way i could enjoy the walk was if i got a bit fit before i went. That means i learned that the more i practice something the more i enjoy it.
5. Everything has a place where it grows well. This could be a beech tree - Mountain beech likes drier high altitude, silver beech likes primordial wetness. Don't ask them to grown where they are not suited. (This metaphor may extend to schools, work relationships etc etc etc)
7.Being prepared is good.
8. Being capable is good.
9. You are able to increase number 8 by getting number 7 sorted.
10. Not having to worry about time is a very good thing. Measuring your time in terms of day and night can be very liberating and focusing all at once.
11. Stars are better when it is darkest. This metaphor is able to easily extend into other areas of life.
13. Some people like to talk. Some people don't. Either is entirely good but mixing the two can be a little tiresome.
14. (may or may not be related to 12) Farting is embarrassing and better than holding it in.
15. I can make a sanitary pad for an UME (Unexpected Menstrual Event) out of filament thin toilet paper wadded up thick like a Bible (old and new testament).
16. Definitely related to 11 & 15. Waking up at 2 am and having to go outside to the toilet has good side effects.
18. Green is very good for the soul. Especially when you saturate yourself in a variety of wet greens.