I believe that the world is full of incredible and deeply precious magic. And i believe it is everywhere. On the hard days it can be more tricky to find it but mostly we just have to make ourselves available so it can turn up and floor us.
In the newsletter I suggested that people might like to go through their days making themselves available to awe and let me know how it went... over the next couple of posts i will share their responses.
This response is from the beautiful Monica Herald whom i have met online and learned to value for her deep kindness, her insight and wisdom and her very tangible warmth - it is in everything i have seen
her do.
I think you will agree with me by looking at these photos that the awe she found was rich and i found some of these made me tear up - the quality of connection and softness was beautiful.
Here's where I've found awe this week:
at the beach
Thank you Monica!
If you would like to get some more Monica in your life her website is here and she has a freebees page with an amazing book here