Or like a minimalist room.
Or like a pristine sea with not a ripple on it.
And then i see things like this scuffed floor - worm from years of comings and goings. The paint swooped off like a pattern of a snow angel's wing.
Someone's bold orange paint - or was it thrifty use of left overs? - or was it a dare?
Even the wondering and the stories we can imagine about how each colour, each mark arrived there create beauty.
Beauty in the ordinary is a gift that sustains my heart.
The more i turn away from the idea that i have to look easybreezy, or that my house may not have girl things scattered like a bomb site or dust bunnies, or that calmness = beauty then the more i am able to soften into the truth that reveals itself to me over and over and over.
Finding beauty in the ordinary is what makes life extraordinary.
Please tell me what you find today <3