an offering to the Divine?
What if with every mouthful you ate,
every garment you wore,
every thought you turned towards,
What if each of those choices were an offering to the Divine?
What if each of these simple acts, unnoticed largely by the world, were the things that the Divine saw and felt seen by?
What if instead of rushing through slapping on some moisturizer at the beginning of your day you took the chance to touch yourself soothingly and lovingly, using your touch as an ode to the miracle of skin. How it holds you together making a barrier to the outside world, microbes working tirelessly on your behalf, your face offering a glimpse of the immensity of you to the world, able to shine a smile into the most tender of hearts.
What if you knew you were only here for another few hours? How would you thank this body for all that it does for you?
What would change?