I begin in deep gratitude for this chance to join a group of women talking about the liberation of voice.
Right now I am working on supporting my sick girl to get over a cold. As a woman with girls on the cusp of teenage-hood I am in that realm of attending... listening to when they need me and when they need to be following their own light. I often get that wrong. So I am working on forgiving myself too.
I am working on being tender with myself. I am a new shape after supporting Vicki through her death in the way I did. I am not the same. This is as it should be.
I am in my other expressions of myself in the world in the final stages of preparing to pass Facing The Minotaur, the self study guide for exploring shadow self to my counsel of wise testers. It has been 2 years in the gestation and is a culmination of self healing- tending to my own shadow lovingly, learning and stumbling, getting back up and trying again- and gathering the wisdom of others. I am, for the first time working with a graphic designer who is making it look as beautiful as it feels to me. I am putting it into the world with no buts, no loopholes for making it small. It is something I am immensely proud of.
My other work is for my exhibition "From the Shadow" which opens next week (!) Following the theme of my work the exhibition is a celebration of shadow and my discoveries. It is another chance to back my voice in the world. A huge leap of faith in myself and another vote for my bigger self.
Honestly I can only answer that by saying I am listening to the Voice that guides me. "Yes that." "Not that." "Now." "Not now." By attending to that, Listening, and then acting, I am making an expression of what is true for me and delivering that out into the world. And because there is one me I guess the more true I can be to my expression the more unique I am. I would also like to honour how because we are all trying our best, in one way or another to do that expression of the instruction we receive and we all receive instruction from the same place, there is a thread of truth that is universal. It may look a little different through the lens each of us is given but truly we are all just singing the same song in a different voice.
I write because I have come to trust that when we honour our own voice and speak up there will always be someone nourished by what we say. I have found such solace in the offering of others, in the truth as expressed as clearly and straight from the heart as can be mustered that I feel an obrigado (a word gifted to us in Mysterium by Dr Estes) and obligation to turn up as true as I can in the world. Obrigado, as offered by Dr E, is about how we all come from the Divine and making it into life is a miracle all on its own. The trials and pitfalls are many. And yet here we are. We are obliged to be as true as we can be in our expression of who we are and how the Divine need to express through us. So short answer. I write because I am in obrigado. I am paying my dues for making it here.
I turn up. I write like hell. Words usually clatter in like a herd of goats at a narrow gate. All clever. All looking for some way through. Some leaping over others in their haste to get out in the world. All making noise. Many out of right order. So really my writing is a process of soothing and sorting clever goats. Sometimes I often have to go over and over the herd. Sometimes they come out just as they are meant to. I recognise that the words often have very little to do with me and a lot to do with my obrigado. I often just have to get out of the way.
More about me.
I am a conduit for Love and a creativity activist. I am deeply connected to life through the land I live in. I am a storyteller an artist, a teacher of women's soul work. I practise turning up bravely every day.
I now pass the talking stick to Meghan Genge. Meghan Genge is a storyteller, a teacher and author of the novel, Unfurl. After learning very early how precious life is, she started a journey that involved many leaps of faith and a firm belief in magic. She has taught in classrooms, lecture halls and beside campfires, and now knows for sure that the most powerful way to reach the soul is by telling it a story.